"In Her Waves"


This year, I had a profound embodied insight regarding my connection to the Earth. In other words, I have had a felt sense experience of my whole being in connection with all that surrounds us. The big bang of this experience happened at my first week-long silent meditation retreat in April. I was seated in my spot in the meditation hall. That particular scheduled sit had ended, yet something in me was beginning to unravel, so I stayed put. I was listening deeply into my heart, and I made a conscious choice to surrender myself to the Great One. “Whatever you need to show me, I surrender.” As I released control, I could feel something in my chest was about to crack open. I felt the impulse to hold it back out of fear for whatever was bubbling up, but I had the power of trust to override this desire to control. As soon as I did, my body doubled over and I began to weep and pant uncontrollably. Guttural sounds emerged that I had never heard before. An immense amount of energy began to pour out of my system. It was like grief throw up. I was scared. I was out of control. Yet, knowing it wouldn’t kill me gave me the strength to let it run its natural course. As the wave subsided, I cracked my eyes open. I was surprised and relieved that the other people around me had stayed seated in their mediation cushions. So still. So grounded. Like angels, they were my anchors. A woman came and sat next to me and put her pure white scarf in my lap. I gripped it with my hands. I felt held and cared for by those around me. My heart throbbed and filled with warmth.

Then, my awareness shifted.

It expanded out beyond the walls that contained us, and

I felt fully held for the first time in my life.

I could sense the vast, spread out land surrounding me. I felt part of the deep Earth and the limitless sky. I felt the energy of the large expanse in all directions like a buoy. I felt weightless, calm, energized, at ease. I felt like I belonged here.

After this day, I continue to tap into my connection with the Earth and the sky when I walk, meditate, and move my body. I feel the energetic forcefield that provides, sustains, and guides us here on Earth. Interconnections from my spiritual path, my Hellerwork training, and all of the other pieces and parts of my journey felt like they began colliding at last. Since then, writings and poems have poured out of me. I can quiet my mind and feel this spaciousness with little effort. I dance bigger and more freely.

I have felt tremendous freedom by being able to sink in and trust the Great Spirit.

And so was born the concept, “In Her Waves.”



Mother Earth

We coexist in and through the ancient, timeless energy of our Mother Earth. We are In Her Waves. We are connected to her root energy, her fiery core, via our root energy, in our deep core. Our Root is in our pelvis. This energy translates down through our legs, feet, and into the Earth. This is our point of contact with the Mother. They say that the chakras open up starting at the base, at the Root. The root is our primordial source of power. It is the foundation of our existence. As the root opens, there is the availability for movement of the pelvis, for rocking and swaying, both widely and subtlety, from external to deep. This energy translates and transmutes up the spine sequentially, through the abdomen, chest, neck, and head. Imagine an undulation, starting at the base and traveling upwards along the spine, and out the top (crown) of the head. With every step we take, we are undulating, from our feet to our crown. With every breath we take, we are undulating. The energy from the Earth translates into our bodies and feeds us. We are In Her Waves. With every breath that we take, the rise and fall of the belly, ribs, and chest, is a wave. We are inextricably and undeniable connected to our source of life. We are nature.

"To be grounded is to be connected to our emotional-electrical currents, to the waves of our needs and images and the rhythms of actions which comprise our physical-psychic processes: the rhythms of the human and natural ground.” - Stanley Keleman

This is a massive impetus for why I work with people in their bodies through Hellerwork — so that they might get a sense in their own embodiment of an integrated flow. So that they might feel dropped in and connected into something greater. This natural flow is not felt until there is a surrender of the holding. It is my belief that we have to learn to give up our own control and surrender into the greater forcefield that holds and sustains us. Exhale through the feet and drop the weight into the floor. Schlep off the gripping, the forcing, the battle against yourself, others, and the world.

May you find grounding.

May you trust that you are held.

May you move and interact with the world in splendor, joy, and freedom.

©Theresa Elwell. In Her Waves.


Pause, Reset, Rejuvenate: Become your own Healer


The Natural Order