The Natural Order

We want things to happen faster than their natural order. We want to move through the challenging stage we’re in ASAP. Work hard to get to the next point in our career. Meditate in an effort to get closer to awakening. Push the dating scene in search of your soulmate. Everything to GET somewhere.

What would it feel like to lean back and trust? Trust the natural order. Trust that we come from nature itself and that those laws apply to us, too. Trusting that we are a part of a forcefield much greater and much more significant than ourselves. And then surrender a little bit into that. Until the trust builds. And then a little more. And a little more. One day, we might find that life isn’t really a battle after all. That we are guided. That to settle into the nature of our truth is all that is needed to continue our personal evolution and the evolution of our world.

Let us be guided.

I sink.

I settle.

I float.

“Once again, dear one, you will learn that the way towards your purpose and destiny will happen without force.

With surrender. With patience. With ease. From your depths. Naturally.”


On the flip side, I have this voice that says things like,

“Am I doing enough?”

“Am I doing it right?”

“Where are you headed?”

“Is this the right direction?”


In other words,


I have found that this kind of attitude actually prevents the experience of enjoyment and success. After a recent wave of experiencing this kind of tension, I am reminded that we don’t thrive in an environment of pressure, harshness, and demand. This ego-mind is doing its very best to keep us on track, but unfortunately if we choose to only function from this place, we are choosing small-mindedness and a limited perspective. We are choosing to listen to a voice that is and will never be satisfied.

I will ALWAYS have this voice telling me that I need to be better. I am reminded once again that it is a choice as to whether I believe it or not.

At a meditation retreat in July I wrote,

“You will always have a voice pushing you Theresa — telling you that you need to work harder, do more. Let it be. It is your choice to listen, or simply tolerate. Bring great kindness to her.”

On the daily, I am learning what it feels like to de-pressurize the need to do more, and to really sink into the natural development of my life. We are growing, changing, expanding (and contracting) all of the time. Within the energy field exists a harmonious balance of activation with ease; work with presence; risk-taking with trust.

Can you sense this?

If you are anything like me and have recently been caught in a wave of tension like this one, I find it helpful to sink into my being and remind myself of my true nature. After all, if I live from my true nature, won’t it be easier to sense the natural order of my life? It also can feel like sweet relief to allow the pendulum to swing sharply in the other direction, into an an environment of love (no harm-making here!).

From this place, I’d like to say:

Your worth is here.

You are made perfectly.

You are whole, pure, and holy.

You are wise.

You are complete.

You are powerful.

You are meant to be here.

You exist for a reason.

If you could establish this as your foundation, how would your life look and feel differently?

Love to all and heaps of gratitude for the teachings on this journey —


© Theresa Elwell, 2019.


"In Her Waves"


A Practice: The Path to Living an Embodied Life